
The Driving Smarts

Advanced Driver Training




Bike riders :- the courses are equally applicable to your riding, but I can not teach you while riding, so you would have to learn the system whilst driving a car.

Student drivers :- I would not try to teach you to drive the TDS way before you get your licence, but once you are qualified to drive you could build on what you have learned by taking a course or two.

All courses are taught by myself, a GOLD level RoSPA advanced driving test holder. I passed the test at GOLD level the first time and at GOLD on my subsequent 2 re-tests (we are re-tested every 3 years). I was also a tutor with my group (Thames Valley) for several years.

Offering a range of courses to suit any level of driver, we can help you achieve an improved standard of driving.

The main design priniciples behind the system are that it is simple, systematic and applicable in all situations - so anyone can learn the system and benefit from it.

Being simple is key to the success of the system. If it were not simple, you would not be easilly able to follow it while driving.

So if you just want a few driving tips, we can deliver. Or if you want to push yourself to the highest standard of driving, we can work with you to pass the top level course.

The bottom line - you will be a safer driver, dramatically reducing your chances of being involved in any accidents.

The complete course has been broken down into sections, TDS.101 and TDS.201 can be covered in as few as 3 drives each, but more can be taken if needed. TDS.301 contains much more depth and detail, so not for everyone and would require serveral driving sessions.

TDS.101 - Observation, Positioning and The Smarts

Good observation is the basis for good driving. This section will develop your observation skills through the use of commentary and positioning.

I would say that this is the single most important aspect of safe driving. After all, if you don't see something, how are you going to avoid hitting it?

This section alone will help you with your confidence and awareness, ultimately improving your safety.

'The Smarts' are a collection of useful little tips, the do's and don'ts of a good driver, which when put together with the your observation, will greatly help you avoid many accident prone situations.

Although this is a short course that can be completed quickly, I believe it will make a major change (improvement) in your driving.

TDS.201 - Limit Point Driving

Having completed TDS.101, you will then be ready for the most exciting section!

In the Roadcraft system, the 'limit point' is a concept that is used for high speed cornering. In the TDS system, this concept has been expanded to cover all driving situations.

The TDS 'Limit Point Driving' will allow you to control your speed in all situations, from driving down the high street to high speed cornering on a winding country road that you have never been down before.

TDS.301 - Roadcraft

The full UK police advanced driving standard. Putting all the above together, plus vehicle checks, pre-drive checks, personal driving technique (seating position, use of controls), the 5 phase system, removing break/gear overlap, knowledge of the law and the New York Drivers Manual…


All the courses are taught in hourly sessions, driving in your own car.

Each session costs $30 for the hour.